Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Values for Kingdom Healthgivers

A post by Dr. Manoj Jacob:

When we as Christian Health Professionals look around us we see a different value system which seems attractive and "glamorous" but the end is heartache and trouble when God's values are compromised. The people of Israel faced the consequences when they decided to have a king like the nations around them and rejected God as King! God warned them in advance but they were not convinced.

The prophet Jeremiah reminds the people of God.. that “God's plans for them are for good and not for evil… give them a future and a hope" (29:11)

Isaiah echoes a similar promise by saying, "He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure" (33:6)

All that we need for our lives and profession is available if we use the right key!

Compromising on godly principles may bring temporary "benefit" but the long term consequences are disastrous.

As Christian health care professionals what an opportunity we have to bring comfort and healing to a hurting world! Only Jesus can give hope and meaning to the lives of people who are desperate. .

I like what Dr Varghese Philip once said: "unless Christians be the salt and light, society will disintegrate!"

May we be His channels of blessing to the many people we meet each day and be the 'salt and light'. May God give us the courage and strength to persevere!
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